Wetskills Palestinian Territories 2022 – by Toqa Qadi ( World Waternet) My name is Toqa Qadi; I am Palestinian, I have a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Al-Najah…
Wetskills Palestinian Territories 2022 – by Pepijn van Loon (Waternet) Today we had our second workday. Before we could start working it is important to analyse our own team.…
Wetskills South Korea 2022- By Ratna Putri, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology & Ligaya Wopereis, Deltares Anyeonghaseyo Yorobun! (It means ‘Hello Everyone!’ in Korean – I’m truly…
Wetskills Palestinian Territories 2022 – by Raghad Khader Rajabi (Hebron University) All of those words are greeting words when u have different people from different cultures, all of us…
Wetskills Palestinian Territories 2022- by Areen Shareef (Salfeet Municipality) I’m Areen and I’m a Palestinian architect and who joined wetskills in Palestine, in the beginning I really felt like…
Wetskills South Korea 2022- By Dongmin Lee, Sejong University Today, Saturday was literally a working day. Just Working, discussing, writing, and working… Everybody looks tired, but the workshop was…
Wetskills Palestinian Territories 2022- by Julia Kobylińska (HZ University of Applied Sciences) Hi everyone! My name is Julia, and I am currently one of the participants of the Wetskills event…
Wetskills South Korea 2022- by Mathurin Mahé, Hz University of Apllied Sciences, & Michael van der Lan, Hoogheemraadschap Delfland This morning started with a few hours of typical Karaoke…
Wetskills South Korea 2022- Hyojin So (Jin), Sejong University All the teams have been gathering and discussing in the morning! We started the discussion this morning, to divide our…
Wetskills South Korea 2022- by Alejandra Ibarra Felix, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology As usual, the day started early in the morning with a nice coffee and…
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