Wetskills-The Netherlands 2023

Finding Joy in Windy Day Work

Wetskills-The Netherlands, 2 November 2023 (by Shahad Al Yaqoubi, SQU) Our day began with strong winds and cold weather. Following breakfast at the hostel, we went to the Hoge School…
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Brainstorming in the wind of R’dam

Wetskills-The Netherlands, 1 November 2023 (by Ana Maria Preda, USAMV Bucharest)  Today’s all about “Blog Day,” and I’m here to give you a sneak peek into my day. After a…
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Another great day at Wetskills

Wetskills-The Netherlands, 1 November 2023 (by Najwa Albulushi, Sarooj for Water)  We started our day at the hostel where we gathered and went to the Hoge School of Rotterdam via…
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Water training in Rotterdam & Delft

Wetskills-The Netherlands, 31 October 2023 (by Theresa Fute, Department og Water and Sanitation South Africa)  This was very informative and very productive day. It started at the hostel where we…
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Day 3: Embarking on the Brain Hurricane

Wetskills-The Netherlands, 30th of October 2023 (by Musadiq Usman MSc. Student, Wageningen University and Research) The sun peeked over the horizon, casting its warm embrace over Rotterdam as we awoke…
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The Day it all started…

Wetskills-The Netherlands, 30th of October 2023 (by Zakaria Bashiri – Technical University of Munich) The day began with us moving to our host for the day, Resilient Delta Initiative, where…
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Blog of the day 2: Rotterdam

Wetskills-The Netherlands, 29th of October 2023 (by Abdul Rahman Al jabri from Oman)   Sunday 29th of October 2023, was full of fun and positive energy. the day started with…
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