World Waternet

Sannah Peters

In our interconnected world, collaboration and intercultural understanding are essential. The world faces numerous water challenges that require innovative solutions. Young professionals can bring fresh perspectives, creativity, and energy to…
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Ayman Kassem

Wetskills is the way to find yourself, you can share your thoughts and idea working in real cases related to water and environment, sharing and gain knowledge and experience from…
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Isabel van Klink

Water is life, it has the habit to segregate but also to unite. I am very happy to be part of the Wetskills team, because solving those challenges together tends…
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Loay Alatrash

Since childhood, learning by sharing has been my way to learn. Through Wetskills, I learned by meeting and sharing with different cultures, multidisciplinary, diverse races, religions, and gender.
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Frank Tibben

International, intercultural & interdisciplinary, that is Wetskills; a unique challenge out of your comfort zone.
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Peter Jansen

World wide water related problems cannot be solved by talking only. Less conversation and more action. Join us now and be part of a water revolution!
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