
The Stakes Are High…

Wednesday 7-June By Kgalalelo Gaobotse The day started off with a trip to the Durban University of Technology where participants had to do their practice pitches. Two participants from each…
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Saturday 3-June By Nokuphila Mbuthu and Briget seloane  We witnessed the sun peeking over the horizon, with soft rays of light casting over Glenashely beach and offering us a beautiful start…
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Pitches and luck

Friday 2-June By Ellika Vrooman and Mbilaelo Makhado Today was a day where things went wrong and we made the best of it. This morning we woke up refreshed after…
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A demanding day for participants

Wednesday 31-May by Onke Mtini and Gijs van den Munckhof | The 31 st May 2023 in the morning the air was refreshing and cool, and you could feel the…
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Meeting-Meeting -> brainHurricane

Tuesday 30-May by Fhatuwani Masindi and Heleen Ter Schure | Today is the hot-start of the Wetskills -Durban 2023 as we were meeting with our case owners. We were feeling …
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Welcome to Wetskills Durban

28 May 2023 By Thalitha Dyantyi and Sithembile Mbonambi | A warm welcome by the sunny Durban weather, refreshing sea breeze with scenic views rejuvenating the mind and soul upon…
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