The Netherlands

Peter Jansen

World wide water related problems cannot be solved by talking only. Less conversation and more action. Join us now and be part of a water revolution!
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Jantienne van der Meij

Wetskills is a great programme to gather experts and young professionals around the table and discuss water solutions for real challenges.”
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Marco Schouten

Wetskills brings out the youth to blossom, to your event, in your organisation, and in every individual participating.
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Floris Boogaard

As a professor in applied science I try to combine the worlds of international research, education & entrepreneurship; Wetskills is a unique challenge that accomplishes this.”
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Michiel de Koning

As project manager in Water Engineering and (former) team manager, I enjoy being a coach for young colleagues. As Wetskills supervisor I want to energize the participants, providing critical feedback…
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Ywenne Kleiss

If you are looking to combine enthusiastic people, current water-related challenges and work towards innovative solutions in a pressure cooker environment, look no further than Wetskills!
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Monique Bekkenutte

Wetskills offers an excellent opportunity for future water professionals to obtain knowledge and build up a professional network in order to make sure that water issues will be properly addressed to provide a sustainable future for next generations.

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Floor van der Heijden

”What better way to learn about international water challenges than to challenge them yourself? Wetskills inspires you, changes your perspective and offers you an experience for life. Guaranteed.”

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