Johanna Engels

Coming from a diverse background brining engineering, the environment, hydrology, and WASH together, I enjoyed my Wetskills experience in 2020 in Oman, where I enjoyed coming together in such a rich mix of people. Coming to Oman did not only mean travelling a long distance from Occident to Orient; the journey also meant leaving the water-rich Netherlands behind and facing the shortcomings of the wealthy, but yet, water scarce Arabian Peninsula. The fact that water is simple in its atomic composition but has a unique story in each geographic region of the world, motivates guide young professionals in the water sector with this experience.

Having had the chance to live 8 months in Jordan, and visiting Oman, Iraq, Qatar, Turkish-Kurdistan, Morocco (and West-Sahara) my preferred region of interest is the Middle East. I am especially interested in assessing the effectiveness of water conservation and 3R interventions as well as alternative water resources.

Organisation: Acacia Water
Country: Germany, The Netherlands


Johanna Engels

Wetskills Alumni, Wetskills Team

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