Henk Ovink

Henk Ovink is the Dutch Special Envoy for International Water Affairs. ‘Water is the number one global risk. Not only because the World economic Forum says so, but because the facts tell us, every year in a row. It is affecting billions of people and billions dollars worldwide. And it will only get worse. With increasing impacts of drought and scarcity, pollution and bad or lack of drinking water and with severe flooding due to climate change, sea level rise, increasing impacts of surges, storms and rain events the world has no choice but to look ahead, adapt and prepare! Wetskills is a crucial approach to building capacity, raising awareness and increasing opportunities for innovations world wide. Wetskills builds a coalition between students and practice, between professionals and people, to learn, research, exchange and implement.’

Organisation: Ministry of Infrastructure & Water of The Netherlands
Country: The Netherlands


Henk Ovink

Former Wetskills Ambassador

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