Wetskills-The Netherlands 2020

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Wetskills-The Netherlands 2020
September 13, 2020 - September 23, 2020

Wetskills again in Leeuwarden, The Netherlands!
This event was organized in the beautiful and monumental City of Leeuwarden, in the northern part of The Netherlands. Our hosts for this event in Leeuwarden were: WaterAlliance, WaterCampus and Wetsus.
The teams started their program, coronaproof, on 13 September with three challenging cases:
♦ Sustainable transport and mobility in the Wadden Sea area
♦ Retaining water in sloping sandy areas
♦ The Tourist as Co-creator for accelerating sustainable freshwater use
Video impression and online finals

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Event Blogs

Event Cases

Case 1: Sustainable transport and mobility in the Wadden Sea area
Case owner: Programma Naar Een Rijke Waddenzee (Programme towards a Rich Wadden Sea)
The Wadden Sea (UNESCO World Heritage) is a natural resource in the northern part of The Netherlands and neighboring countries Germany and Denmark. It is the largest unbroken system of intertidal sand and mud flats in the world. The area also contains other functions like living areas, tourist destination and fishing. The current ferry transportation is considered as unsustainable and fossil fuel driven plus there is an ecological impact on the seabed due to dredging. Sustainable mobility and transportation in this shallow tidal system is necessary to create and keep a habitable environment, a sustainable economy on the islands and a resilient ecology in the Wadden Sea. An inventory to worldwide examples has been executed, now it is up to the Wetskills team on how some parts of these inspiring example(s) can help us design an ultimate sustainable mobility concept(s) for the Dutch Wadden Sea and Islands to inspire further transition!
Case 2: Don’t let it go! Retaining water in sloping sandy areas
Case owner: Wetterskip Fryslan
The Province of Friesland is used to draining water to the sea. Due to the recent dry years, it turns out that the sloping sandy areas in the South East drain to fast and have troubles in retaining the water. That is why Wetterskip Fryslan, four municipalities, the Province and the national government have made a deal: ‘Regiodeal South East Friesland’. They will invest in measures to help slowing down the water and help it infiltrate to build up a reserve in the groundwater. How can this coalition find applicable and effective solutions for retaining water in this area, being technical, infrastructural, ecological or maybe even social?
Case 3: The Tourist as Co-creator for accelerating sustainable freshwater use
Case owner: Province of Fryslân
Islands in the Wadden Sea have a restricted amount of freshwater availability, due to saline boundaries of the sea. Islanders are used to utilising this water in a self-sufficient way for generations. Due to extensive tourism, more resources from the islands are being exploited and more products from the mainland are being requested. As ‘money spender’ or ‘income bringer’ the tourist plays a large role in the choice and number of products, manufactured locally and/or sustainably with less water. How can the islands activate tourists becoming the co-creator and do-er for new ways of water conservation (also in an inspiring and fun way)?
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