Wetskills-The Netherlands 2018

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Wetskills-The Netherlands 2018
September 15, 2018 - September 27, 2018

Culture meets Water: Join us in Leeuwarden, European Capital of Culture, The Netherlands!!
In 2018, Leeuwarden – Friesland is Europe’s Cultural Capital. During this entire year, the city is organizing various artistic events and cultural projects, with the theme open community. At the same time, Leeuwarden is also the United Nations Innovating City for water technology and will be Connecting Global Water Tech Hubs during the European Water Technology Week (EWTW 2018), from the 24 to the 27 of September.
Wetskills Foundation and partners will organize the fifth Wetskills Water Challenge in The Netherlands. For the first time, this event is organized in the beautiful and monumental City of Leeuwarden, the capital of the Frisian Province. And, moreover, this year Leeuwarden celebrates being the Capital of Culture in Europe. Water and Culture meet: and you can become part of this!
The Wetskills Foundation invites Bachelor, Master, PhD students and recent graduates in The Netherlands and from over the world to apply for this great Wetskills Water Challenge programme in the northern part of the Netherlands. The presentations will be aligned to and in close cooperation with the European Water Technology Week on 26 September 2018. Our hosts from Leeuwarden: WaterAlliance, WaterCampus and Wetsus invited Wetskills and its participants to join this event and to present the great ideas to a large public event.
To all who are interested in large range of water challenges of and water solutions from The Netherlands and the cultural heritage of Leeuwarden: this is your chance! We are looking for local and international students and Young Professionals, who are passionate about water and excited to work in mixed teams for transdisciplinary water solutions. Register on this website now!
What do you get?
A unique learning experience where you will tackle real-world water challenges!
- You will increase your skills in: international cooperation; problem solving, cross-cultural and interdisciplinary teamwork, networking and presenting (pitch & poster);
- You will get the opportunity to connect with other international water students/young professionals;
- You will visit Leeuwarden during its nomination as European Cultural Capital, water-related sites and meet water professionals;
- You will learn, network and experience more about the Dutch, European and global water hubs, the main stakeholders and organizations, contemporary issues and current business opportunities;
- You will receive a certificate of participation upon completion of the program.
More information
For more information about participating in this event, contact Ioana Dobrescu (ioana.dobrescu@wetskills.com) or Peter de Jong (peter.dejong@wetskills.com). For other information contact Johan Oost (johan.oost@wetskills.com).

Registration deadlines
Some last positions left: apply now or contact Peter de Jong.
Programme Wetskills-The Netherlands 2018 (concept)
Overview of study cases Wetskills-The Netherlands 2018
Event: European Water Technology Week 2018 (Leeuwarden)
Participants: 16 participants
Countries: 8 (Oman, The Netherlands, Israel, South Africa, Colombia, Myanmar, Romania & Pakistan)
Wetskills in general

Wetskills in The Netherlands

Event Cases

Case 1: Self-supportive temporary shelters for multi-purpose use
Case owner: Province of Fryslân & LabVlieland
Vlieland is one of the islands in the Dutch Province of Friesland, that sees a high influx of tourists in the summer, especially during the eco-minded Into The Great Wide Open festival. To provide a playing ground for innovations in the field of sustainable and clever use of energy and resources, LabVlieland was created. Their current quest is for an out-of-the box design of an advanced, mobile, integrated Shelter system – AMIES in short. Think a self-sustainable, closed-loop resource building, built on industrial ecology principles with the latest circular technologies that can be readily deployed where needed.
Case 2: Self-supportive cities and islands on water & energy
Case owner: Waternet & Province of Fryslân
Waternet wants to increase the pace of improving sustainability in the Dutchcapital. The goal for 2020 is being climate neutral concerning CO2. If we want to have a 100% sustainable energy supply, we have to look for other sustainable energy sources in the near future. How can water contribute to this transition? And how can we learn from self sufficient islands, considering a city as an island? A previous Wetskills team in South Korea came up with the ‘Water Wide Web’, building an energy network where you can store energy on different levels close to households. Waternet wants the next team to work out this idea in more detail and come up with logical solutions we can really implement in the near future.
Case 3: Wastewater reuse for agriculture
Case owner: Water Application Center and Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences
In the Netherlands, almost all WWTP effluents are discharched onto surface water bodies like canals and rivers. As a result of climate change, agriculture will be confronted more and more with yield losses due to drought. The use of alternative freshwater sources, such as treated wastewater from industries and sewage treatment plants, can reduce drought damage. One interesting opportunity may be to combine wastewater (post)treatment and agriculture (crops / biomass growth). Under what conditions and on which scale could the reuse of (treated) wastewater in agriculture be beneficial?
Case 4: BioBizzHub for energizing start-ups to scale up their business
Case owner: Paques
WaterCampus Leeuwarden is an important driver for new business in the water technology sector, and has facilitated the start of many new companies in the past 15 years. A crucial step for these new companies is to “scale up” and “go to market”. The new BioBizzHub is set-up for this purpose. Here, startups can benefit from dedicated test and office facilities and the engineering and market experience of Paques. How can BioBizzHub find and attract companies from outside the Netherlands to join this initiative and benefit from the BioBizzHub.
The Wetskills organization is looking for Case Owners; companies, knowledge institutes and organisations that formulate their case and support this Wetskills programme and formulate a case. Visit the archive of Wetskills-South Korea for an impression of the event results. For more information, read this Leaflet Call for Cases Wetskills-The Netherlands 2018 and contact Johan Oost (johan.oost@wetskills.com).
Event Partners

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