Wetskills-South Africa 2018

- This event has passed.
Wetskills-South Africa 2018
June 16, 2018 - June 27, 2018

Wetskills concludes the fourth South African edition!
Bye Day Zero wins the fourth Wetskills Water Challenges in South Africa (after Cape Town 2012, Nelspruit 2014 and Durban 2016). Read about the great finals at the WISA 2018 Conference in Cape Town in presence of Minister Gugile Nkwinti of Water and Sanitation of South Africa and Dutch Special Water Envoy Henk Ovink here.
The Wetskills Foundation with partners Department for Water and Sanitation, Embassy of the Kingdom of The Netherlands, Water Institute for Southern Africa and Future Water Center of University of Cape Town organized the fourth edition of Wetskills in South Africa: Back to Cape Town (period: 16 – 27 June 2018). Bachelor, Master, PhD students and recent graduates worked together in mixed team on water challenges provided by organizations of the local and international water sector. This edition of Wetskills took the participants to the ‘Mother City’ Cape Town and its magnificent surroundings. city of Seoul for about twoweeks, visiting interesting and relevant water-related locations in and around Cape Town, experiencing the big drought and the measures taken and having the finals and awarding at the biannual WISA 2018 Conference.
Read more about this Wetskills Water Challenge via our Social Media and publications!
Information about Wetskills programme, our events in South Africa and the results & follow-up
For more information, contact Johan Oost (johan.oost@wetskills.com).
Practical Information

Participants: 27
Cases: 6
Countries: 5 (South Africa, Lesotho, Iran, Zimbabwe and The Netherlands)
Event: WISA 2018 Conference (Water Institute of Southern Africa)
Venue: CTICC Cape Town
Locations visited: Franschhoek, Cape Town, Camps Bay, Theewaterskloofdam
General Information Wetskills
The programme (up to Finals)

The Finals & Awarding

Event Cases

Case 1: The spark for accelerating practical training investments
Case owner: AquaDactics (South Africa)
Investing in staff and training is inevitable for a healthy and efficient water sector. Recent years Non Profit Company AquaDactics was founded to sustain training activities in the South Africa in a self-supportive way. AquaDactics’ philosophy of creating and maintaining a Pool of local Trainers and development of training material with a focus on the practice was co-created, spread and acknowledge by various partners in the South African water sector. However it is still waiting for a spark to get this rolling. How can we create this spark in coming year?
Case 2: Transboundary basin management: the challenge of creating a win-win situation
Case owner: Department of Water Affairs Lesotho
Water is one of the most important natural resources of Lesotho. The unique geographic location positions Lesotho as the ‘Water Tower’ of Southern Africa. Its wetlands sustain the perennial water flow of a.o the Senqu-Orange river system, shared by three other riparian states: South Africa, Namibia and Botswana. Unfortunately, the water system in Lesotho is threatened by degradation and climate change, and so are its downstream communities, who are for their economic activities and water availability very much depending on quality water coming from Lesotho. How can downstream riparians influence the situation in the upstream watershed, of which they are extremely dependent?
Case 1: Floods and droughts: keeping the public awareness after the crisis
Case owner: Water Authority Drents Overijsselse Delta
Water infrastructure as dams and dikes have long protected societies from too little or too much water. Citizens are however unaware of the means necessary to achieve water security. The exception are extreme events, when dams run empty of dikes fail, then people are aware. As extreme weather patterns intensify and societies have become more dependent on their water resources, it is critical to keep citizen awareness alive to reduce the impacts and consequences in case a flood or drought occurs.
Final poster and pitch
Final poster and pitch
Final poster and pitch
Case 4: A YES to Water Revenue Collection with…
Case owner: Kingfisher programme & Water Authority Rijnland
Paying for water management and treatment is a real challenge in parts of South Africa. Last year approximately 160 municipalities did not paid a cent of their water bills, although it is written in national laws that for water use and water pollution should be paid. Since the Dutch waterboards have a long- standing relation with many parties in the South-African water sector, there may be opportunities to collaborate on the issue of ‘the polluter pays’, and see what works and what does not in the Dutch setting that could be implemented in the South-African system, and vice versa. From this comparative analysis, can you think of creative ways of how more willingness can be created in both countries to have polluters (sustainably) pay for water?
Case 5: Climate Scan in African Cities
Case owner: Tauw
Climate change is here to stay, so we have to adapt. From surveys around the world (but mainly from Europe) it is concluded that people are in need of Best Management Practices (BMP) to motivate them to implement climate adaptation measures: both technical and governance aspects. International interactive open source tools (in our case www.climatescan.nl, check it out!) are used to promote engagement with stakeholders in the field of climate change and related environmental issues. But their potential is often not fully utilised. Can you help us with the question how to promote climate adaptation specifically in Africa, and make stakeholders implement and share their BMPs?
Case 6: Avoid Day Zero due to lowering Capetonians’ Water Footprint
Case owner: City of Cape Town & Water Footprint Implementation
Cape Town was suffering the most serious drought in recent years. In 2018, the forecasts even warned for a Day Zero: the day when supply would come to an end. A large water saving campaign was (successfully) launched to lower the individual direct water consumption to almost a quarter of the normal use, at 50 l per capita per day. However, looking at the total Water Footprint of consumption, this direct water use is only just over 1% of the total of 3400 l per capita that is consumed each day. The remaining 99% of the water consumption is hidden in the production and use of cloths, food, drinks, transportation, etc. Taking measures in that 99% ‘hidden’ water use may lead to lower scarcity levels in the future, at perhaps a lower effort than for the direct consumption?
Final poster and pitch
Final poster and pitch
Final poster and pitch
Do you also want to submit a challenge and get an out-of-the-box concept (Pitch and Poster) in one of our Wetskills event worldwide? The Wetskills organization is looking for Case Owners for the events worldwide; companies, knowledge institutes and organisations that formulate their case and support this Wetskills programme, see as example: Leaflet Case Sponsors Wetskills-South Korea 2018. For more information: contact Johan Oost (johan.oost@wetskills.com).
Pictures of the event

Event Partners

Previous events in South Africa