Wetskills-Denmark 2021

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Wetskills-Denmark 2021
August 15, 2021 - August 27, 2021

Wetskills Event in Denmark!
Wetskills Foundation organized a Wetskills Water Challenge for the first time in Denmark. This (live!) event started on 15 August 2021 in and around the inspiring City of Copenhagen – surrounded by water and very active in Climate Adaptation.
In the Wetskills-Denmark group we had participants from 5 different nationalities! During the 2-weeks program they worked in international, multidisciplinary teams on real-life water cases. The finals and awarding were an online webinar, accessible for interested professionals from Europe and beyond. And the winning team was … Team Rotterdam & Copenhagen – Congratulations!
The 2020/2021 central theme of Wetskills Events, celebrating 10 years of Wetskills:
Watch the Video of Wetskills-Denmark 2021
Practical Information

Watch the video of Wetskills-The Netherlands 2019!
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Event Blogs

Event Cases

Case 1: Sensoring the Climate in your own backyard
Case owner: City of Zwolle (The Netherlands)
Climate is mostly considered on a more national and regional level rather than neighborhood levels. The City of Zwolle launched the SensHagen project where citizens voluntarily placed sensors to measure data as temperature, precipitation, and air quality. With this crowd sourcing project, both city and citizen know which part of the neighborhood is coolest or has the best air quality, which is great when you are doing your exercise round. But measuring data does not necessarily lead to more climate adaptive behavior. How do we take the next step from measuring to action? And what role do partners (governmental and non-governmental) play in this transition?
Case 2: Protecting existing settlements at the Falsterbo Peninsula in Sweden
Case owner: Statens Geotekniska Institut (Sweden), Dragør Municipality (Denmark) and Water Authority Hollands Noorderkwartier (The Netherlands)
Flood safety, spatial planning, including stakeholder participation, and nature ambitions can sometimes state challenging or even contradictory goals. At the Falsterbo Peninsula, Sweden, the built environment is prone to flooding and the direct surrounding area has high natural, recreational and cultural values. The stakes are high, the stakeholders are many and the available space without previous claims almost nonexistent. If you had full flexibility, meaning no restrictions by any regulation, what would your optimal adaptive design to protect existing settlements without causing unacceptable harm to other stakeholders be, and how would you guide the process towards the implementation of this design?
Case 3: Innovative stormwater treatment and retention solutions in cities
Case owner: City of Copenhagen & City of Rotterdam
Copenhagen and Rotterdam are seeking innovative ideas, technologies, and approaches for how stormwater can be successfully captured and treated to optimize benefits, reduce risks to public health, and promote co-benefits. By doing so, stormwater can be caught during wet periods and re-used in times when it’s dry. Proposed solutions should consider the role water treatment or reuse can play in reducing flows to drainage systems and wastewater treatment facilities. It is important to consider the opportunities and challenges for implementation as well. How can both cities manage the contaminants found in stormwater that can pose issues to public health and the environment, comply with current guidelines, and overcome other barriers to achieve the desired benefits of proposed stormwater treatment and reuse practices?
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