W@tskills 2020

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W@tskills 2020

July 27, 2020 - August 7, 2020

About The Event

Wetskills Events Wave

JOIN: Volunteers for first W@tskills edition

Wetskills is about working together and co-creating solutions for & in a changing world. Most of the time we are thinking of climate change, water changes, but now we are facing ‘corona changes’. Wetskills Foundation is developing a digital version of the regular programme, called W@tskills. Coming period in July and August, Wetskills Foundation aims to organise a first W@tskills with 2 or 3 teams dedicated to a certain topic in a certain area.

We are looking for volunteers from over the world: You and your colleagues, network and/or friends for this first edition!!

Register online or send Johan Oost (johan.oost@wetskills.com an email). More information will follow in a later stage.

Event info

Wetskills Events Wave

A more detailed programme will follow.

Also the specific dates will follow.

First Deadline for registration:

25 June 2020

(First come first serve basis)

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Follow Wetskills

Wetskills Events Wave

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About The Event

Wetskills Events Wave


All cases are follow-up of existing Wetskills idea to bring it steps further to implementation (WetsNext). The concepts are there, but more research and thinking along is needed to get implementation and thus impact. The first case ideas with support from case owners and network for this first W@tskills event are:

  1. Creating a business case for the Leave none behind concept, a plan for tackling solid waste disposal by creating a Rickshaw carwash area with treated water from the Barapullah Drain [Winning case India (Delhi) 2019]
  2. Find partners and follow-up the Water Wave Integration plan of kick-starting the local Water Footprint Hub in Oman by combining experience jobs for talented female graduates in Oman. [Winning case Oman 2020]
  3. Bringing the FlashBag prototype to the Flood Proof Romania Testing Facility and create a market in Central and Eastern Europe [case in Romania 2015 and WetsNext project]


Short programme idea

  • Programme: 8-10 days (1-2 hours programme with training and workshops and 4-5 hours working with your team);
  • Finals & Awarding: online event organised by Wetskills Foundation and possibly aligned to a larger digital event. A jury of recognised experts will be jury members;
  • PR & Communication: a storyline will be made of the working and results, the results will be published on a page ion www.wetskills.com and Wetskills Foundation strives to published externally.
  • Supervision:
    • Each team will get a mentor to guide the team
    • Each team will have a representative case owner to stay on track.
    • A Pool of Experts will be available for detailed questions of the teams


Wetskills Events Wave


Application (online) and first selection deadline: 25 June 2020.

Afterwards every week a selection of the new applications till the program is full. (First Come, First Served)

Who can apply?

Any Young Professional (up to 5 years of working experience) and student (last year Bachelor, Master or PhD) from  universities or organizations all over the world with passion for water-energy-food and intercultural teamwork.

How can I apply?

Prepare a motivation letter and resume, click the botton on the right, fill out the online application form and submit it.

Selection criteria

First come, first served. The Wetskills organization will make a final selection among applications received, based on quality of motivation & resume. The organisation will also consider a good diversity of the whole group (incl. backgrounds, local/international, gender balance, etc.).


There are NO costs involved.

We only expect you to be present 90% of the time to working with you team (approx. 60 hours in total spread over 2 weeks)

Joining this Wetskills Event – What do you get?

A unique learning experience where you will tackle real-life water challenges with your own team!
♦ You will increase your skills in: online cooperation; business model creation, problem solving, cross-cultural, international and interdisciplinary teamwork, and Communication (storytelling, pitch & poster);
♦ You will get the opportunity to connect with other international water experts, students/young professionals online;
♦ You will learn, network and experience more about international and regional water challenges, the main stakeholders and organisations, contemporary issues and current business opportunities;
♦ You will receive a certificate of participation upon completion of the program.

More information: Interested candidates can contact: Johan Oost (johan.oost@wetskills.com).

Event Cases

Wetskills Events Wave

Team 1: Leave No-one Behind Concept

Description will follow

Team 2: Water Waves Integration Plan

Description will follow

Team 3: FlashBag Prototype

Description will follow

Final Poster and Pitch

Final Poster and Pitch

Final Poster and Pitch

If you would like to work on another follow-up project, please let us know? For more information: contact Johan Oost (johan.oost@wetskills.com).

Event Partners

Wetskills Events Wave

Join this Wetskills event!

[no_button icon_pack=”” target=”_self” font_weight=”” text=”Register” link=”/ewetskills-event-2020-registration/” hover_border_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#ffffff” margin=”0% 0% 0% 40%”]


July 27, 2020
August 7, 2020
Event Category:


Koningskade 40
The Hague, 2596 AA Netherlands
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