
30.10.2015 Final sprint for all cases



by  Kai-Feng Chen

Technical University Munich

After a wonderful night celebrating Inge’s birthday and going through a toilet paper game, which helped a lot to know all the Wetskills participants better, we woke up at a sunny day. Of course the tasks for today is still working on our cases, trying to make the concepts more precise and solid. But one thing different, after chatting with some members, we all come to a common agreement, to have some fun on weekends.

Staying at hotel whole day is quit suffering, so we should get some fresh air. Haha!! Although the deadline for the posters and memos is at Sunday evening, we plan to finish them as soon as possible. After having a perfect breakfast (as usual J), we trigger our productive day.

During every group discussion, we know that we are one step closer to the final goal, and also gain more ideas and creative solutions. Furthermore, by doing some researches, we all get to know more about our cases, including historic backgrounds, current condition and future perspectives, etc.

The most exciting thing is that every group has beginning to come up with some visualized image for the logo and poster, so that we could know how exactly the system goes on and the actual solutions.

Finally, it will be a pre-presentation tomorrow, and I could tell that every pitcher can’t wait for it already. (So excited right? J) Well… maybe not. Anyway, I believe that every group will end up a perfect presentation. Besides, after gaining the advices from the supervisors, our cases will definitely improve, what we will love to see after the pre-presentation. Such a lovely day, and keep on going, fellows.

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