blog#8, 4 December (team 4) – by Natasja Fraters (National Water Traineeship & Royal HaskoningDHV)
Picture me sitting in a cocktailbar drinking a non-alcoholic Mojito while nineties music is blasting in the background, trying to write this blog.
Today was intens, and I am a bit exhausted of all the impression and the busy program. This morning we went to see a STP, a sewage treatment plant. The sun was shining bright, perfect day for a field visit. The office meeting was chaotic but full of good stories. The operators were visible proud of their plant and their SCADA operating system. After a walk past the several treatment steps it was time to move on.
We had the opportunity to see a factory where they dye textiles, as far as I understood cotton. Unfortunately, but understanble, it was nog allowed to use camera’s. The production proces uses washing steps of the fabric, followed by printing with one of the 3 methods, finally more washing and finishing. I was positively surprised by the conditions in the factory. Despite that they did not apply any air freshning anywhere, none of the workers where wearing gloves and the paint was stored in Open vessels it looked organized and like a very effective proces. It’s very likely the clothes I am wearing at this moment were printed in a factory very much like this one, and it does make you think about the impact we have. This was also the base of the discussion we had about our case, we decided to leave these difficult topics for now and come back with a fresh mind after the weekend.
But despite the delicious Moijto I can’t seem to get the faces of the workers of my mind.