Seockheon Lee

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  2. Organisers
  3. Seockheon Lee
Events from this organiser

Wetskills-South Korea 2019

Korea Institute of Science and Technology 5. Hwarang-ro 14-gil, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, Korea, Republic of

Wetskills was in South Korea for the second time, after the first Olympic edition in winter 2018. Some 20 participants were joining the event! They worked together with international peers on challenging water cases, in a 2-weeks program with team building, field visits and real-life cases submitted by case owners. Follow this event, it has started at August 26!

Wetskills-South Korea 2022

Sejong University Seoul, Republic of South Korea

Wetskills was back in South-Korea, after the ‘Olympic’ Wetskills edition of 2018 and its successor at the Korea International Water Week in Daegu in 2019. We had again a great event, from 24 August to 2 September 2022, aligned to the KSWE Conference (Seoul)!
