
From Brainstorm to Brain fried



Romania – 15 Sept 2021 – Wetskills Challenge day 5

By Hugo Beekelaar (Wageningen University)


Today, Loes finally got her baggage, which was lost the first day. So, that was already a great start of the day. In the morning we started to finish our plan of actions. However, during this process we started brainstorming again about our case study. Our case study is related to improve the waste separation and to help the city of Zwolle to become the fourth Circular City of the Netherlands before 2050.


During the brainstorm we realised that we still needed to finish the plan of action. So, together we took the focus to work on the plan of action and within no time we made a plan of action. Otherwise Frank and Floor would not have time to read and provide us with feedback. Besides that, we got to know the Business model Canvas. This model is used as a tool to visualise the building blocks for a business. We will make use of this in our case studies, because we will deliver an innovative idea to the case owners. Floor and Frank explained us the business model and we discussed the cases.


Our brains were triggered again.


However, we could take and use a break, so we went to have a nice lunch at the restaurant on the campus.


The lunch helped us to get back to work again.


Back at the faculty, we received feedback from Frank and Floor on our plans of action. Again the brains were triggered again by the sharp questions which Frank and Floor asked us. Yeah, again new input to think about and to brainstorm about. How do we think outside of the box and which tools are useful for us? New stuff to work with and trigger the minds of us all.


Again brainstorming and brainstorming with the use of flip-overs we will get further into the thinking process.


The brainstorming helped to get back to the basics. So, we looked again at the case study and find out that we could start at a different point. However, we will find out tomorrow what this will bring. Our brains are fried now.


A good night of sleep and a nice dinner at the park will re-energize our minds :D.

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