Wetskills-NL 2025 – blog 6 –
Our morning started early with a trip to sunny Delft by public transport. Here we travelled to The Green Village, where project manager Thijs gave us a tour of the location and explained the many innovative ideas. The Green Village provides space and advice to entrepreneurs and start-ups who have new sustainable ideas. For example, we saw how biodegradeable floating islands, holding many different types of plants, could lead to increased biodiversity and water quality. Another interesting technology we learnt about was an invention to infiltrate rain water in tanks, and let it run through filter with sand and activated charcoal to remove pollution. After this it is pumped into the ground to refill the underground aquifer.
After the tour, we traveled back to the city centre of Delft where we worked on our cases at the IHE Delft location. The Romanian team was surprised to meet a lecturer from Romania at IHE, and they were impressed about the discussion they had with her. The working day ended with a pitch and poster training to help us prepare as we work towards presenting our solutions next week monday.
Unfortunately, by the time we came outside, the warm, sunny afternoon was almost over! A small group of us took the tram to the beach, where we watched the sun sink into the sea and the sky turn into beautiful colours. A beautiful way to end the day!