
Innovation and working through the weekend



Wetskills-Durban 2024 – Blog Day 7 & 8 –

Day 7 started off with some breakfast before the team headed did some innovative round where groups worked on their various cases. There was not many travels as teams were brainstorming ideas and preparing for their pre- presentation pitches for the upcoming WISA conference. The brainstorming event took place at the hostel where the process took place. The day ended with some braai later on a social activity to help bring the group together after a tiring today at work.




Day 8
started around 10:00. The team had breakfast around 07:00-09:00. At 10:00 am the program officially
astarted where different teams presented their concept notes to the supervisors and the entire team. The activity was fruitful and lots of ideas were shared amongst the groups and lots of positive and negative inputs were provided to make the groups better. Then, the group engaged in a social activity of watching crazy 88 videos that the group were tasked to do on s television and the best group won which was team 4. Congratulations to them! After this social activity, teams went back to their cases and one on one were done by supervisors to advise more on the groups to improve their pitches and presentation skills.

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