
Memory zone



By Zahrun Zannat


Water and peoples, when you put them together amazing things start to happen. And with the
welcoming rain it got more interesting in Bangladesh on the very first day.


It is not an event to just win any case rather it is about mixing of cultures from different
countries, sharing their experiences. On the first day of event we started to get to know each
other through some charming activities like tuktuk race, site visiting etc which ended with a great

Speed dating started on second day with experts. There were so many questions from the
participants and answers as well as valuable suggestions from experts. We learned to gain
knowledge to see the problem from different perspectives within a very short time.

Third day Morning started through preparing the process action plan. Afternoon got too much
exciting with the drone flying. Main purpose of it to do pilot testing cause it is gonna be used
later to generate Digital Elevation Model for the particular floodplain area of Sirajganj. Fourth
day was all about training on pitch and poster.

There are a lot more to do in the next days. Let’s make the best memories to cherish forever.

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