Wetskills Netherlands 2o2o-
by Gladys Mutahi, Wetsus Academy

It’s almost a wrap at the Wetskills The Netherlands 2020. The good men say the early bird catches the worm and for our team, every last minute of the almost last day counts. Time to get that paper and poster a last polish. Though we were all spent from all the early mornings and late nights (mostly doing fun activities) it was interesting to see the team with the same motivation and energy on the last day as the first day. The deadlines have to be met, and as such we put our best foot forward, every idea counts!!

Its afternoon, the official bonding time with other participants. This is usually a good time to let out the pressure of the board room and have a chat with fellow participants who have easily become friends.
Last rounds of pitching exercises start, and the pitchers are now ready for the show! It’s time to show 10 intense days’ worth of work and with that wrap up the Wetskill’s first live/virtual challenge.
As usual, work hard and play harder, its time to rest and prepare for the D-day. Wind down with some dinner at an Ethiopian restaurant. At the end of the day, win or not, we gave our best shot!!!