Wetskills South Korea 2022-
by Yanuar Chandra Wirasembada
Yuhuu… we came to the day when all of our hard work will be paid off – The Final Day!
Usually, we started the Wetskills at 9:00 am, but for today, we started the activity at 11:00 am. It’s enough for us to give more time to gain more energy by waking up late, but maybe not for the pitchers, hehe… Anyway, what were the agendas for the finals? Check this out, guys!

Meet the Ambassador
Our energetic supervisors, Floor van der Heijden and Charlie Casey-Haden gave the final briefing and explained the agendas for the final day. The final will be started at 2 pm. But before that, we had an exciting discussion with the Ambassador Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in South Korea, Joanne Doorneward.

Final Day – kick-off!
The Final day officially started at 2:00 pm! First, we enjoyed the welcome words from
- Jonghwa Eom (Senior Vice President of Sejong University)
- Johan Oost (Managing Director of Wetskills Foundation)
- Joanne Doorneward (Ambassador @Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in South Korea)
- Bongwoo Shin (Director UNESCO i-WSSM), and
- Henk Ovin (Special Envoy for International Water Affairs for the Kingdom of The Netherlands & Wetskills ambassador).
The last, Charlie Casey-Haden gave the introduction and the looking back of Wetskills South Korea 2022. After the welcoming words, we had a short break by enjoying some drinks and snacks, then the most thrilling part of the Wetskills will be started: the pitch and presentation.

Pitch and Presentation were started!
Here we go! There were four experts in the Jury Panels:
- Dr. Jaewoo Lee (Korea University)
- Dr. Sungpyo Kim (Korea University & representation of Korean Society of Water Environment, KSWE)
- Dr. Sunwoo Chang (Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology, KICT) and
- Dr. Hyunhon Kwon (Sejong University).
The winning team will be decided based on these criteria: Out-of-box, technical feasibility, business case, social & environmental context, and pitch & poster quality. Dr. Jaewoo Lee as the chairman of the Jury Panels took the random cards which showed the number of the team, and the first team who should do the pitch and presentation came to Team 2. It’s my team! But no worries, we were more than ready to give our best! The topic that we were presented with was fighting climate change on Korean Islands. Then, continued by Team 3 who presented a topic about South Korea’s dependency on virtual water. For the last, Team 1 presented about trade water and gender equality in the Asia & Pacific Region. All the team had a lot of enthusiastic questions during the pitch and the poster presentation.
The winning team!
Tadaaa… the answer to the biggest question, who will be the winner in the Wetskills South Korea 2022 finally revealed! The winning team goes to Team 3! Wow… big applause and congratulations! All the teams wanted to be the winner, but a wise man said, You never lose, you either win or you learn! So, it doesn’t matter which team was the winner, we so were proud and happy for you guys! Then, we had a surprise for our beloved supervisors as a token of gratitude from all the participants for their hard work. We love you, Floor and Charlie 🙂

Farewell T_T
And now, we should face the most unwanted part: farewell. Some of us were in tears when Floor and Charlie handed out the Wetskills certificate of participation and heard the closing statement from our supervisors. But, that’s how life is. Every meeting led to a parting. But someday, somewhere, we will surely meet again, because now we have new friends, new colleagues. And as a part of Team 2, personally, I would like to say thanks to all of you guys, it was an unforgettable moment! Until we meet again, I will be missing you. On the last day, we enjoyed ourselves by having dinner together and going to a karaoke bar. Yep, we started the first day with karaoke, and closed the last day with karaoke!

Warm regards,
The Family of Wetskills South Korea 2022
Floor van der Heijden
Charlie Casey-Haden
Alejandra Ibarra Felix
Bora Shin
Dongmin Lee
Eungyeol Heo
Evandi Rahman
Floor Hermans
Hyojin So
Ligaya Woopereis
Lucia Ruiz
Mathurin Mahe
Michael van der Lans
Ratna Putri
Robin Ross
Seongju Hwang
Theresia May Anggraini
Yanuar Chandra Wirasembada