
Wetskills join Coalition of the Willing for the Water Footprint Compensation development



On October 31, 2024, Water Footprint Implementation and Wetskills officially began a new and promising collaboration, joining hands in their journey towards water sustainability.

WFI brings real-world cases to young people in this collaboration, fostering a genuine connection with challenges that arise within a company. Furthermore, the collaboration opens up interesting discussions on the relations between countries on the subject of the water footprint, providing future Wetskills participants with useful global perspectives.

Mutual benefit
This partnership paves the way for collective action, as young people are naturally drawn to the water footprint concept. Its tangible nature makes it easy to grasp. This is especially the case for students and young professionals as they tend to take a holistic view, a perspective that aligns well with the complexity of water footprint issues. The established links Wetskills holds with local governments provide WFI with valuable access points, allowing for more effective action.

Looking to the future, this collaboration represents an enduring commitment between WFI and Wetskills. Together, they plan to continue working on joint projects, with WFI actively considering the young talent emerging from Wetskills challenges as potential future employees. This arrangement benefits both organizations.

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