
The fun has just began



Wetskills-Durban 2024 – Blog Day 1- By Tasmiyah Ismail

The first day of Wetskills kick started off with a meeting and greet, where all participants arrived from parts of the world to join in on the fun and to start on a life long experience of the 9th Wetskills hosted in South Africa.

As the team streamed in we were welcomed with card games and ice breakers, learning a little more about our colleagues for the weeks to come.


The fun has just began, it was awesome to learn of how diverse the group was, with different age groups, backgrounds and experiences. We are not your typical team and this mix means more ideas, multiple perspectives and unconventional outcomes to everyday challenges.


The day closed in true Southern African style with a Braai, all hands on deck, with a dash to the store in preparation for a social evening that marks the start of journey that we all can take home. Long lasting memories and friendships.

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